The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation announces that Christopher Cowan of Atlantic Golf and Turf has been elected as the 15th President for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year. Chris has served on the Board of Directors since 2001. as a delegate appointed by the Vermont Golf Course Superintendents Associaton. Chris replaces Mike Buras, CSFM of the Longwood Cricket Club, Chestnut Hill, MA, who will continue to serve as the foundation's Immediate Past-President. Scott Cybulski, CGCS, of Martindale Country Club in Auburn, Maine will serve as Vice-President. Steve Mann, CGCS, of Captain's Golf Course in Brewster, MA will serve as Treasurer and Michael Stachowicz of Dedham Country and Polo Club will serve as the Foundation Secretary. Other board members will include: Roderick Blake, NHGCSA, John Clark, NHGCSA, James Connelly, MALCP, Matthew Crowther, CGCS, GCSACC, Anthony Grosso, CAGCS, James Hodge, MGCSA, Ted Maddocks, VtGCSA, Steve Mann, CGCS, GCSACC, William Morton, CGCS, RIGCSA, Philip Neaton, CAGCS, Mark Richard, CGCS, RIGCSA, Robert Ruszala, GCSANE. Also serving in an advisory capacity are: Mary Owen, UMass Extension, and Dr. Noel Jackson, URI.
The foundation enjoyed a successful 14th Turfgrass Education Confernece and Trade Show on March 7-10, 2011 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI. More than 3000 individuals attended 4 days of education conference and trade show activities. The 15th Annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show scheduled dates for 2012 are February 6-9th. These are unusual dates as the foundation will normally target the 1st Monday in March. The NERTF continues to fund turfgrass research in the New England Region, and since 1996, the foundation will soon reach 1.3 million dollars of research funding to the New England Universities. For more information concerning the foundation, the conference and show, or funded turfgrass research go to www.nertf.org.